Acupuncture views the body as a whole entity, a series of interconnected systems that depend upon one another for balance. When these systems are out of sync, this imbalance can lead to us falling ill. To view one system in isolation from the rest is to have an incomplete understanding of what is happening in illness. This leads to incomplete care and lingering and shifting symptoms. Acupuncture seeks to correct these imbalances by reminding the body of its own innate ability of auto-regulation, to create the homeostasis it needs to be healthy.
Acupuncture has been shown to be effective in treating a number of illnesses, including, but not limited to, anxiety, depression, insomnia, sciatica, TMJ, back and neck pain, shoulder pain, allergies, digestive issues, fertility/menstrual issues, fatigue, neuropathy, migraines and headaches, circulatory issues, muscle tension, vertigo, pain anywhere in the body, and many, many more.
What to Expect
During your initial acupuncture treatment, I will perform a review of your medical/health history. This will consist of detailed questions regarding the bigger picture of your health over the course of your life. Some questions may appear to have little to do with the issue for which you are seeking treatment, but as acupuncture looks at the body as a whole, answering these questions honestly will help me in correctly diagnosing and treating you with an individually tailored treatment that seeks to address not only the symptoms you are experiencing, but to treat the root cause. By supporting the whole body in this way, my goal is to minimize the intensity, frequency, and recurrence of symptoms, and to eventually eliminate them entirely.
Follow-up treatments are generally scheduled after the initial visit. Here we will focus on your progress, discuss changes in your symptoms, and make adjustments to your treatments to maximize results to aid in your recovery.
The number of sessions necessary for relief vary from person to person. In general, the longer you have had a health issue, the longer it will take to clear it, whereas newer, more acute issues may be resolved in just a few treatments. However, even those living with chronic pain for decades have been amazed at the reduction they notice after their first session.
All treatments may include acupuncture, e-stim, moxa (a form of heat therapy), gua sha, cupping and/or tuina (modalities used to enhance circulation).
Sam Pierceall, LAc.
My path to acupuncture began as a humble offshoot while studying organic farming when I developed a deep interest in herbal medicine and the healing properties contained within plants. Upon successfully completing the three year certificate course in Traditional Herbal Medicine offered by Sacred Plant Traditions in Charlottesville, VA in 2011, my devotion to holistic modalities deepened further. In researching and discovering what was possible through acupuncture, I knew that it was something that held great promise and that I needed to learn more. After three years of school and one year of clinical internship, I graduated from Jung Tao School of Classical Chinese Medicine in Sugar Grove, NC in 2016.
I am board certified by NCCAOM as a Diplomate of Acupuncture, and licensed by the Board of Medicine of the state of Virginia.